Behind the music and the artists...

Terry Henderson is an entrepreneur and the CEO of TwelveThirtyEntertainment. He began his musical journey at the age of six, singing in the Chicago Children’s Choir. His twelve-year tenure with that organization allowed Terry to visit and perform all of the United States as well as in over eight countries. Also having the opportunity to sing in more than twenty different languages. Terry is a classically trained vocalist and holds a Bachelor of Arts in Music Degree from DePaul University School of Music, with focus on voice(opera) and composition. Terry can be credited with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Ravinia Festival , Bobby McFerrin, and Joffrey Ballet just to name a few. His Chicago-native production style fuses his classical influences with influences from Timbaland, Kayne West, Justin Timberlake and many others.  

Terry’s background and dedication to music and the authenticity of an artist sets him to a higher standard in the business.


Christina Estes-Wynne is the Day-to-Day Manager of TwelveThirtyEntertainment. Her passion for music started in middle school singing in the Chicago Children’s Choir where she met TwelveThirty CEO Terry. Her experience with the organization allowed Christina to tour both inside and outside the United Staes, being exposed to a multitude of cultures and honing her craft. Christina got her Bachelor’s of Science in Music Industry Studies from the University of the Pacific in Northern California. She was able to continue growing her musical capabilities by being an inaugural member of the schools first vocal jazz ensemble. Christina can be credited with Bobby McFerrin, Cyrille Aimee, Carmen Bradford, Ravinia Festival, New York Voices, Reno Jazz Festival, Manhattan Transfer and more. A musician herself, her Pop/R&B influences always has her looking for her next inspiration.